What are your office hours?Monday – Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Saturday 9:00 – Noon (By Appointment Only) Sunday Closed
What if I need service after hours?Contact your nearest Animal Emergency Clinic/Hospital.
Do I need to make an appointment?Yes
Where is the cremation performed?Everything is taken care of at our privately owned and operated facility.
Can I see your facility?Yes. We would be glad to set up an appointment for a tour.
Do you offer family viewings?Yes. Private Cremations Only – By Appointment
What do you do with the remains when the owner does not want them?They are put back to where they came from; the Earth, by an Illinois EPA State licensed facility.
Does your facility have all of the necessary permits and licenses needed to cremate animals?Yes. Pets At Peace Crematory is fully permitted and licensed by the Illinois EPA Bureau of Air and Bureau of Land. Copies of these permits are available upon request.

Click Here to download our PDF order form
Click Here to download our PDF Veterinarian pick - up form
Your beloved companion is respectfully placed into the crematory together with other pets. When the cremation process is complete, the communal remains are collected and returned to where we believe they came from.....the Earth.
Your beloved companion will be given an identification tag number that stays with them throughout the entire cremation process. Because we use State of the Art cremation equipment, this allows us to perform partitioned cremations using separator's without the risk of compromising your beloved companion's remains. Upon completion of cremation, the remains will be placed in our basic urn (or an urn purchased by you).
Your beloved companion will be given an identification tag number that stays with them throughout the entire cremation process. Your beloved companion will be the only one present within the cremation chamber. Upon completion of cremation, the remains will be placed in our basic urn (or an urn purchased by you).

Pets At Peace Crematory
300 North Klick Street, Unit B
Hampshire, IL 60140
Phone: (847) 683-7700
*We accept Credit Cards with a 5% Transaction Fee
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to magnify our service area.