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Pets at Peace
Lay your beloved companion to rest with dignity, respect and compassion.
Walk-In Services
Deciding to lay your beloved family companion down is probably one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make, and Pets At Peace Crematory can assist you. While we all hope and pray that they will transition on their own, sometimes that just does not happen. First and foremost, as the Owner, you have options available to you. Whether you have your beloved family companion laid down at your home or you take them to a veterinarian clinic/hospital, you have the choice of either leaving them at the clinic/hospital or bringing them directly to us. With a simple phone call, we can set up an appointment (please do not just show up), and assist you with all of the arrangements.
Let us help you make this incredibly difficult time a little bit easier.
In-Home Services
Pets At Peace provides cremation services to Veterinary Clinics/Hospitals in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Should you need a recommendation for a Veterinarian in your area, please contact us (847)683-7700.
The decision to lay your beloved family companion to rest can be one of the most devastating and stressful times you will ever experience. To make this situation easier on not only yourself but your beloved companion as well, contact one of these highly recommended veterinarians and speak with them about in-home euthanasia.
Dr. Laura Bransky, DVM Dr. Jessica Kriner, DVM
Veterinary House Calls Compassionate Heart Fox Valley
39W865 Barnside Court Phone: (630)-402-6222 (Call or Text)
St. Charles, IL 60175 Serving Fox Valley and surrounding areas
Phone: (630) 587-4270 www.mycompassionateheart.com
Dr. Debra Junkins, DVM
Pet Vet Animal Clinic & Mobile Practice
11901 North Street
Huntley, IL 60142
Phone: (847) 669-6635
Dr. Allison Bergin, DVM
Forever Memories Pet Care
Phone: (815) 242-0201
Serving Northwest Illinois and Southwest Wisconsin
We have recently partnered with Fox Valley Pet Cremation Services. They specialize in house and veterinary clinic/hospital removals for those who would like Pets At Peace Crematory to perform
the cremation of their beloved companion(s). They also handle all of the necessary paperwork
involved in making the cremation arrangements, including the delivery of ashes back to owner(s).
Keith Kmieciak
Fox Valley Pet Cremation Services
Elgin, IL 60123
Phone: (847) 456-2005
Serving Greater Fox Valley area. If you are outside of this area, please contact Keith directly.
Should price be the only factor when choosing a pet crematory as your partner?
Since it made the national news coast to coast, it is pretty safe to say most everyone heard about the human crematory in the State of Georgia and their despicable practices. While it did not necessarily hurt the pet cremation industry, it did make many pet owner’s wary of pet crematories as well. This section was created to assist you, the veterinarian, in choosing the right crematory for your clients'. The most important thing to remember is that cheaper is not always better. When "partnering" with a crematory, ask questions about their cremation process. Ask to take a tour of their facility. Make sure that what they are promising you is even feasible. Remember, the more educated you are in the cremation process, the better you are able to assist your clients'. Pet crematories for the most part are unregulated; therefore, you can and should recommend the pet crematory that has the highest standards, ethics and morals. Your client’s count on you to do so and will be forever grateful. No one knows better than you how important our beloved family companions are to us. We care for them, we love them, and we nurse them when they are ill.
We want to make sure we make the best decisions for them that we possibly can, in life as well as in death. Pet owner’s go through a very lengthy process in choosing the right Veterinarian for their beloved family companion. They place their complete trust in you concerning healthcare issues. That is why when it comes to the end of their life, pet owner’s turn to you for guidance, support and advice concerning after death choices. That is why choosing to partner with an ethical, moral, respectful and dignified crematorium is probably the most thoughtful decision you could make for your clients’.